Deputy of Planning and Development of Medical Education


Dr. Mohamadreza Shalbafan

Specialty: Psychiatrist

Title:  Assistant Professor


Deputy explanation:


The School of Medicine’s Education Development Office (EDO) was launched in 1384 with the aim of improving the quality of education. It was promoted to the Iran University of Medical Sciences Deputy of Planning and Development of Medical Education in 1392, and continued its activities in the areas of educational planning, evaluation, innovation and research in education, empowering faculty, and strategic planning training. The deputy is responsible for creating a good relationship between the university studies and development center, and the hospital medical education departments and training groups.


This unit consists of three sub-units: empowerment of faculty members, evaluation and improvement of educational planning, and the education research unit.



•         Educational Planning

  •  Providing advice and assistance in the development of educational programs of training groups in partnership with EDC
  • To assess training and explore the possibilities of creating new or consolidated fields
  • Cooperate with and consult on designing lesson plans and training courses at various levels (general medicine, specialty, subspecialty, fellowship and graduate) and review them
  • Identify, introduce, design, and advise on the implementation of new educational technology


•         Evaluation

  •   Advise and assist in developing evaluation programs for faculty, students, programs, and departments and update them
  •   Administer projects evaluating special cases

•         Research in Education

  •  Organize, direct, support, and develop matters related to research in the field of medical education
  •  Cooperate with EDC in joint research projects


•         Empowering faculty members

  • Training assessment and holding workshops and briefings required for faculty members and create incentives for member participation through partnership with EDC
  • Plan and implement seminar sessions for teachers in the area of education
  • Prepare and distribute scientific articles in the field of evaluation and medical education
  • Participate in the development of virtual learning programs


•         Strategic Planning

  • Organize strategic committees with the participation of basic and clinical departments in the School of Medicine
  • Draft, review, and monitor the strategic plans of the School of Medicine
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